Friday, April 20, 2018

So many answers to the one question,
diffuse tiny quarrels. Unlove. Was it 
ok to’ve learned to love (and take pop songs) 
from those I'd spurned? Passing phantoms on the 
road home of onetime partners wronged: I was 
prickly, yes, callous and petty (sorry)
and nearly cried for what I'd whispered once
but the wishful welling lessened, smushed in
by blocky fingers, transposed into a 
blunt depression. Fooled into believing
this unbearable fall was just a song
one couldn’t listen to except alone
that only meant something to someone else,
I wasn’t ever really cool at all.

Friday, April 13, 2018

“As easily as I once could peep-Tom
from sidewalks’ blind remove, inherited
despair had become, finally, too tall 
an impediment. Domestic ennui
pulled up its chair, pooled with fears of feeling 
precisely the wrong way, relit the need 
to say something when I’d nothing to say.” 

Now these vested dreamtimes: Plush crib-mates bend 
ears to dampen cheek and chin. This long night 
might be it, friend. As in a dream we meet 
on familiar ground; myself, buried
in your comic infidelities, and
you, probing for the earthworm’s other end’s
secret tunnel beneath this roused quicksand.

Friday, April 6, 2018

My brother, who would then descend metered
glass sheets (apparent once shattered in turn)
to core the ramped snow at the northern face
of the eastern abutment of the Church
Street bridge over the Naugatuck as a
meteor strikes the sheer face of the moon,
disputed clenched austerity during
the unsupervised span from 3 o'clock
school recess to 5 o'clock work recess;

was free, suddenly, of the blemished rail.
A surprising interval – aqueous,
achronal, quietly resonant – yet
he's gone quick as knob-strung baby tooth, and
secreted between pillow and mattress.