Friday, September 29, 2017

New love cuts fairy-lit lanes like a plow,
chuckles over clamor of cobbles’ rise
and topple. Who strings? Who is strung along
elated? Scored upon your lily brow
as you rearrange your bangs’ serration;
signal both conscious and subliminal
somehow. Your new man may be a keeper
but plucked humility rings criminal.
Bank reservations, signify in song
rhapsodic or deceive. It spills from eyes               
you're up to in bubbles bathing, deeper 
easing: another month or two presumed
until he’ll cut the strings, spring vacation
ill received. Look me up when you're exhumed.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Even under an inch of meltwater,
midwinter having called summer to mind,
a cleated bootprint persists in gray snow;
a declaration of cowed love once stuffed
in a mailbox... she was "flattered". So there.
I'd spilled like candies to the kitchen floor
and now I wonder what she did with it,
that letter. Years later, If I should find
that it's even at the very bottom 
of some desk drawer, scattered bodies might rest,
as a clutch of colored eggs, in a nest
of my family's dust and woven hair,
at last, under and warmed by the stove;
spring no longer mistaken for autumn. 

Friday, September 15, 2017

As an adult I see an empty room
   (Nothing a tied together room unties 
   like knowing that it might be otherwise...)
filled awkwardly with furniture and art,
   (The rug, it's not a native plant; couch’s                
   constancy’s outcropped elsewhere than this floor...)
as a child I couldn't see the parts
   (We move out, in; arrangements need debouch
   estranged; new geometry account for...)
that made the room as distinct from the sum. 
   (Surveys, nightly, remind of awkward fits, 
   disputes lost, price tags I cannot unsee;
   unsettled sit, contingency besets 
   me as unease did princess over pea.)

Friday, September 8, 2017

Brunch: Happy forty-whatever. Cross-eyed
love in sudden context; feeling lifting,
fleeting, out from the deepest latency.
“I’m happy to let the oven order,”
I croaked, drunk on sparkling water, fresh juice,
coffee. The waitress made for the kitchen
while, sunken in my seat, I was excused.
Short years lingered, many menus passed
in choosing: my beautiful blond baby,
cooing hostage of limp intention till
someone kicks my foot beneath the table.
I woke choking on firm maybe; waiting 
on impasse in an hourglass, weighing
the bun in the oven aforementioned.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Subway sevens pile up like cracked shoes,
skirt platforms. Eyeballing perilous hems
over paperback walling, our hero’s
pageant confidence leavens. Part of him’s
grateful: upskirt instants, beauties who tread
lead roles on the steps. Part’s opposed: conquest-
daydreams turn, sour esteem; but the ding
that emits, pealing of pole and gold ring,
beautiful it’s. It’s contact, truly wed,
and still he’s touched by dull knee and stray breast
at once… Duly dutiful, cooly true,
he wonders aloud, “Who is the villain?
Me? The women? Or the barreling train?”
In any case, he’s his wife to rescue.