Thursday, December 28, 2017

Out past the threatening blackness, tangle
of meaning and sound that is the ocean 
at night. Smooth pink and purple stones, markers 
and pens quiet distinctions, the weekend’s
loose kimono. What's left unsaid misplaced 
and the bare horizon a single line 
from an unopened book. Anchored tankers
spell these cold-water flashbacks. Moored lightning 
is cursive neon lighting; adventure,
a backlit mood piece, lost, overstepping 
phantom crabs, fragmented badness. I see
your pining, toes huddled beneath damp sand
as a beer can warmer than blunt air stays
your laced hands’ trembling, but not your face. 

Friday, December 22, 2017

I’d been green, a thrifter, no twisted sleeve,
trod leaden arches, crumbled, bridged pitted
malls in disbelief; clenched while morning burned 
outside my soiled underpass. I smelt 
the forlorn shore, so familiar for 
so long away, distend my trap rock floor;
empty beers roar marine, held to my ears. 

Something’s hard between the ground and me: I
tossed stones at the gulls circling their plights. Thrift 
had had none but its own late reward. Why?
I'd been a wet book, a cheap date; I'd left
a trail of breadcrumbs up to heaven’s gate,
of apple seedlings back east receding,
and of all the novels I’d quit reading.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Nothing goes wrong where red is green, stop go;
even so, darkness domestic for light begs:
With love's key - mutuality - debased,
the embraced closer to the embracer
than the embracer close to the embraced,
and reluctant gifts granted, she'd become
veteran, grim, (her sacrifice's sum:
superiority) beyond reproach;
each round fired seeming some false tracer.

So the soil flew its own paucity
and like pollywog between egg and legs
stunted, in windowsill jelly-jar glow
fool roots, as the cutting's fate is to broach
only retardation's opacity.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Lonely while, on the appealing other
hand or side of the same coin, enjoying
the lack of all sense of obligation,
I vainly wait for real consolation                   
or reasonably wait for the merely –
what? Wet drink, to indulge an empty glass?
An ardent partner, whom I won’t much like

and who won’t much like me, for just one night?
Well I don’t drink wine and anyway she
had none (the empty glass clumsy and slight
as some inapt metaphor), just Pepsi.
Needy as I was, I reached out for her
to map the measure of my precedent
waiting-for; limn its limited content.

Friday, December 1, 2017

The job is not the pay: What she felt was
seasonal gloom was a plain old work day’s
ripe bouquet, futile parfum. Lateness
wreaths, compounds; might keep for a thousand years 
like poison ivy or honey deep in
Pharaoh’s tomb. Prompt payment was a virtue
on a wobbly barstool like an egg 
webbed with cracks but whole. Hard boiled or no,
a criminal’s no stronger than she. He
bides his untallied captivity on
a display of weakness. Drop your trousers
at the urinal and come to missing teeth,
wake on the train to find the only trace 
of your nameplate necklace is a tan line.